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Learn foundational skills through immersive play

Through vivid storytelling and interactive play, children aged 4-7 years old learn life skills such as critical thinking, digital literacy, mindfulness, and empathy.

Get early access to Nurture's Beta program

Limited free early access slots available.

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A one-of-a-kind magical learning experience

Designed for 4-7 year olds and parents.

Embark on playful learning adventures with your child

In each adventure, you’ll get to bond with your child while learning new skills together through meaningful stories and engaging games.

A magical dual-screen experience

Your mobile device serves as a second screen interactive controller, resulting in an immersive experience for your child.

Learn skills through story-based scenarios

Learning is naturally and playfully woven into the adventure so that it gives purpose for children to learn the skills.


Guilt Free Screen Time

Quality, engaging, and non-guilty screen time is great for learning.

Nurture time
= Bonding time

We believe in the power of co-play. Your child learns as you and your child bond in play.

Building Habits

Offline activities for your whole family to reinforce the learning.

Children & grown-ups are loving it

“This is nothing like what we have experienced before.“


“I would rather they watch Nurture than Netflix.”



Father of 3 & 5 year olds

“When’s the next Nurture Adventure coming?”



Mother of 5 year old

Mother of 6 year old

Nurturing future-ready humans

To prepare our children for a creative and resilient life, we aim to foster openness and resourcefulness in children through engaging, appropriately challenging media. With this in mind, we developed our learning philosophy with these principles.

1. Context through stories

We’ve adopted animated stories as a medium to help your children understand life skills in relatable and exciting contexts. Children learn best when they know why. Without context, learning becomes boring and pointless.


2. Practice through games

Our games pull you into the story, empowering you to solve challenges and practice life skills together. Through play, both children and adults learn to take risks, iterate on their ideas, and persevere.


3. Bond through shared moments

Through co-operative activities and facilitation questions to engage your children in deeper reflection, we provide security between children and their parents, driving life long returns in learning, health, and self-esteem for children.


4. Learn through curiosity

Learning is structured to help children understand how to approach new topics with curiosity, and draw connections to their existing knowledge. By cultivating intrinsic motivation, you can help your child develop the agency to love learning and learn how to learn.


Equip your child with the skills to thrive in life

Be the first to try Nurture Beta with your child.

Limited free early access slots available.

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“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.”

O. Fred Donaldson, Play Researcher

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